Richard Patey Has Joined Us!

We’re happy to announce that our beloved partner Richard Patey has joined forces with us at

In case you didn’t know, Richard is an entrepreneur turned investor. He started his career at the end of 2009, after leaving his job to start his first online business.

He started selling services from WordPress websites to SEO, but really he became a student of online entrepreneurship.

Since then he has built and sold several online business and has authored the book Coffee Shop Entrepreneurs to capture his 1000 day journey in entrepreneurship.

A few years later, Richard discovered the world of website investing. He started offering his services as a website operator to other investors under the business Flipping Websites, and built a successful Facebook group & podcast. He now spends most of his time investing in websites and online businesses.

Richard Patey has partnered with, offering some of the valuable insight he has acquired over 10 years of experience. You can continue to expect quality articles in our blog to help you on your journey to online entrepreneurship and investing!

But you don’t have to wait to start learning from Patey! If you are just starting out, you can check Patey’s guide on building and selling content sites.

For the more advanced, you might want to read his guide on turning 100k into 1MM within 3 years—really interesting stuff.

Hopefully this partnership brings as much success and insight to you as we trust it will!

If you have ANY questions, feel free to hit us up anytime.

A million thanks for your support!